Gambar orang mancing di atas persis spt kehidupan para losser di forex: mau santai2 dpt duit, tapi lihat...
Yg pertama trading di tahan wkt sdg loss.
Yg kedua profit sedikit2 diambil.

Kedua kebiasaan itu ilusi yang akan menghasilkan cara trading yang loss. Sikap yang benar seharusnya adalah: quick cut loss & let the profit run. Sewaktu merencanakan entry kita sudah tahu dimana kita akan cut loss, dan itu harus ditaati. Sedangkan profitnya tdk usah kita pikirkan, krn begitu arah kita benar maka kita tahan/hold posisi open kita selama mungkin dg memasang SL yg digeser2. Tidak penting berapa kali kita menang, yang penting waktu kalah kita lossnya terbatas dan waktu menang profitnya buanyakkk.
Klik gambar di bawah ini utk melihat bgm seharusnya kehidupan kita sbg pendekar forex
You can be FREE.
You can live and work anywhere in the world.
You can be independent of routine and not answer to anybody.
This is the life of a successful trader

A road diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference


Bagi saya, trading news memiliki resiko yang lebih kecil dibanding saat saya melakukan trading secara teknikal. Meski demikian demikian saya tidak pernah menganggap sepele masalah Teknikal. Banyak bukti bahwa pergerakan harga yang disebabkan oleh News, ketika berhadapan langsung dengan Teknikal kuat maka pergerakaannya akan teredam. Oleh karena itu, sebelum melakukan trading News saya selalu mengamati pergerakan harga sebelum news direlease. Beberapa hal yang selalu menjadi catatan adalah :

1. MA100 dan MA200 di H1, H4, D1dan Timeframe yang lebih tinggi adalah merupakan support dan resistant yang kuat.

2. Daily pivot, juga merupakan support dan resistant yang baik. Terutama bila open price jauh dari pivot.

3. Perhatikan support dan resistant di hari-hari atau jam-jam sebelumnya terutama yang dibuat oleh News kuat dari negara pair yang anda amati.

4. Gambar vertikal support, resistant dan trendline di timeframe H1 dan H4 keatas.

Jadi pada intinya saya selalu memperhatikan support dan resistant terdekat ketika sedang menghadapi News. Dan biasanya support dan resistant tersebut adalah gerbang exit dari posisi saya.

Hal lain yang saya perhatikan adalah:

5. Bila di hari yang sama ada 2 News dan News tersebut adalah milik dari sebuah negara , maka :

Bila News yang lemah direlease terlebih dahulu, maka biasanya tidak banyak trader yang ikut dalam volume perdagangan News tersebut, karena sebagian besar trader menunggu direleasenya News yang lebih besar. Misalnya : Pada hari yang sama, UK Service Production di release jam 4 sore dan UK BOE Interest Rate di release jam 6 sore. Maka biasanya efek yang dihasilkan oleh UK Service Production hanya 50% dari efek yang biasanya terjadi.

Dan bila News yang kuat direlease terlebih dahulu dan menciptakan support atau resistant kuat, maka S/R tersebut akan berlaku bagi News selanjutnya.

6. Jangan ambil posisi melawan arah news setelah news dirilis, meskipun sepertinya sudah hit resistant atau support kuat dan mulai berbalik arah. Ingat!! Support dan resistant hanya digunakan untuk exit target.

7. Jika nilai data News yang telah direlease diperkirakan dapat mengerakkan pair dengan kuat namun ternyata gerakannya tidak sekuat yang kita prediksi dan setelah initial spike ternyata harga langsung rebound ke pre-release price artinya sentiment pasar sedang berlawanan dengan data dari News.
Biasanya setelah rebound harga akan kembali menuju ke arah sesuai data yang di release namun harga akhir dari initial spike akan menjadi S/R kuat dan kemungkinan rebound lagi di S/R tersebut.

Contoh: US NFP akan direlease, konsensus 100K, harga ada di 1.9600, data keluar 60K, diperkirakan menggerakkan pair 60 pips, ternyata di menit pertama harga hanya bergerak 40 pips di 1.9640 dan kemudian harga balik lagi ke dekat pre release price 1.9605, maka jika kita mau beresiko kita ambil posisi buy disini dengan harapan harga bergerak lagi sesuai data yang direlease ke 1.9640 lagi dan segera exit di nilai tersebut.

Jangan berharap harga bergerak lebih jauh lagi mengingat sentiment pasar yang berseberangan dengan nilai data.
Dan jangan ambil posisi SELL karena berseberangan dengan nilai data yang baru direlease.

8. Hati-hati dengan Libur Nasional. Besarnya Efek dari data yang direlease terhadap nilai mata uang akan sangat berkurang bila waktu release data bersamaan dengan hari libur yang tentunya tidak semua trader ambil bagian dalam volume perdagangan pada saat tersebut.

Contoh: NFP 6 April 2007, bersamaan dengan hari Jum'at Agung (Good Friday). Diprediksi dengan nilai data yang direlease dapat menggerakkan GU minimal 90 pips, namun ternyata hanya bergerak lambat sebesar 39 pips di initial spike. Dan total kurang lebih 52 pips.

9. Bila lebih dari 1 data news yang di release diwaktu yang bersamaan dan ternyata data yang direlease mengalami konflik maka yang terjadi adalah :

a. Bila data-data yang direlease memiliki bobot yang berbeda misalnya : AUD Retail Sales (news kelas 1) dan AUD Building Approval (news kelas 3) maka biasanya yang terjadi adalah akan terjadi retrace hingga 50% cepat setelah spike dan kemudian secara perlahan-lahan harga akan bergerak sesuai dengan data news yang lebih kuat.

b. Bila data-data yang direlease memiliki bobot yang sama misalnya : US NFP dan US Unemployment Rate maka biasanya yang terjadi adalah akan terjadi retrace cepat hinggabalik ke prerelease price setelah spike dan kemudian secara cepat harga akan bergerak sesuai dengan data news yang lebih dominant pengaruhnya (dalam hal ini US NFP)

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Winners Simply Do What Losers Won’t Do

Adopting the belief that “winners” simply do what the “losers” will not do is very useful in many aspects of life. After all, that is the case in the field of investing and trading. So let’s step into that belief and see what naturally follows.

Here are some winner/loser opposites. If you find yourself disturbed by any of these, you may have stumbled across a clue to an area in which you need to spend some time.

1) A winner crafts a detailed business plan which includes on-going reviews and sticks to the plan.

A loser thinks a business plan is something he’ll get to one day in the future after he has achieved some success trading.

2) A winner designs systems with high positive expectancy, sound money management strategies, minimal degrees of freedom to avoid curve fitting, and then puts the system into his business plan for implementation. He lets the market determine the outcome.

A loser has a continually changing system/methodology based on whether or not the last few trades were winners or losers. He is scared of what "may happen to him" in the markets in the future. His position size is controlled by whims and notions. His exit points vary depending on how fearful he is of giving up open profits or how hopeful he is that a losing trade will turn around.

3) A winner knows that his method will provide the long term return he is after if he implements it correctly. A loser thinks he has to continually be looking for a new indicator to eliminate having to enter trades that lose money. A winner knows deep in his heart that he is completely responsible for the outcome of each and every trade.

A loser assumes responsibility for winning trades while blaming floor brokers, brokerage firms, hedge funds, international news events, or simply "the market" for losing trades.

4) A winner is not trying to prove anything about himself through his trading activities.

A loser thinks he’s the master of the market, closing a big winning trade,and then gloats in his outstanding success he had "beating" the market.

5) A winner knows he’s a winner even after an expected 12 losses in a row.

A loser is sure he’s almost worthless as a person after 5 losses in a row.

6) A winner realizes that he produces the emotions he experiences related to trading and assumes responsibility to resolve deep-seated root causes for negative emotions that interfere with his trading business.

A loser knows that it’s the market that causes him to feel depressed or angry, and he’s determined to fight this beast.

7) A winner gladly shares trading advice to less experienced people.

A loser thinks that he needs to look cool as a suave trader and talk down to those less experienced than him.

8) A winner is aware that his methods and systems may require modification as time proceeds, and he develops appropriate boundaries of performance which will indicate whether or not he needs to review his system.

A loser is sure that all he has to do is find "the right system or method" and then he will forever more be able to sit back and enjoy easy profits. He feels slighted by professional traders since they claim not to have any great secret indicators, and he "knows" they’re lying to him.

9) A winner understands the level of capitalization required to successfully implement his trading business plan.

A loser thinks that his $5,000 account is a great start for trading highly leveraged commodities, and the day he opens the account he feels like he’s really off to the races now.

10) A winner knows that it is up to him to develop the skills necessary to create, test and evaluate sound trading systems and methods.

A loser knows he just hasn’t looked hard enough to find that special system someone has created which will bring him all the wealth he’s ever dreamed of ("damn those professional traders - if only they would tell me their secret indicators").

11) A winner looks forward to opportunities to give back to the world some of what he has learned along the way to becoming a successful professional trader.

A loser knows he has to keep everything he learns secret since if anyone finds out where he places his one lot stop orders, then they will try to run the market to his stops to hurt him.

12) A winner who goes long on an upside break-out only to be stopped out at the bottom of the correction of the failed break-out four days later can simply reenter on another upside break-out a few days later.

A loser in the same trade gets mad that the market retraced all the way to his stop and then reversed. As prices rally back through to a second break-out he gets even madder since he’s not in the trade he tried to take. Two months later after a tremendous rally, the loser is so angry at the market for what "it’s done to him" that he finally buys (just days from the top of the move).

13) A winner runs his trading business wisely—carefully managing his fixed and variable costs of doing business and making capital investments which provide a worthwhile return to his business.

A loser spends all the money he can afford to buy the latest computer hardware and the hottest (best marketed) trading software he can find—with no understanding of the return expected from his investments.

14) A winner knows he needs to continually work on his feelings and emotions related to his trading business as he grows in success and equity.

A loser knows that he only needs to buy additional software and systems and perhaps attend the "latest guru’s" trading method to achieve what he’s after.

15) A winner knows what his goals are and he has criteria established to measure his level of achievement.

A loser’s goal is "being rich", and he’s sure that it’s only a matter of finding the "right" answer for how to trade.

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In Time for Thanksgiving

Time is rushing by,
Because that is what it's like.
So unless we slow down,
We might feel that we have never lived.

Memories of decades passed,
Are so fresh and vivid in my mind,
Images and feelings all rolled into one,
It is like they just happened yesteday.

If decades are collapsed into days,
Then what remains of the years ahead,
We will feel like we haven't even began to live,
And it is all very soon coming to an end.

But the laws of nature tells me,
The arrow of time is constant.
No, our feelings do not lie,
A thousand years to God is but a day.

So as we race toward eternity,
We feel time more like God feels.
We feel that much Nature's laws remained
For us to yet discover.

We exaggerate Time's importance,
It is just a marker for events.
After helping us to record so many,
We naturally feel that not many remain.

Yet life is not measured by the number of events,
But the meaning that each one brings
Hence God gives us the Seasons,
And the Special Occasions to celebrate.

These were lead-in lines of our lifes' stories,
They made our lives beautiful,
By enriching our relationships,
And gave them meaning.

And the most meaningful of them all,
Must be Thanksgiving!
Only when we learn to give thanks,
Only then we notice how our cups have overflowed.

I will slow down in order to Give Thanks!

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The Fruits of Your Trading Success

The fruits of your success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort in keeping your own records, doing your own thinking, and reaching your own conclusions.

I find time and time again that losing traders are making the same mistakes:

1. They don't keep any records.
2. They do no testing.
3. They become euphoric about (and increase risk wildly after) wins.
4. They become despondent about (and decrease risk wildly after) losses.
5. They focus on how much money they want.
6. They rarely / never think about how much they stand to lose on a trade.
7. They set their stop loss based on a 1:1 or 1:2 risk to reward ratio, just to make the ratio look good.
8. They discount the importance of psychology.
9. They over-value the importance of the trading "system."
10. They have no routine.

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Doing and Not Doing

Becoming consistently profitable as a trader has as much to do with learning to not do some things as much as it has to do with learning to do some other things.

Overcoming the negative behaviors can be made much easier by making a routine for doing the positive behaviors.

The more you test, you less you trade (this is good). The more you study risk control, the less you feel compelled to increase your trade size erratically. The more you keep records of your trades, the less arbitrary your decisions will become. The more you do your own homework and research, the less you will depend on someone else to tell you what to do. The more often you get up on time, eat what you should, keep your body healthy, the more likely it is that your mind will be clearer. It's the simple routines that matter in trading.

It's not too late for you to change your routine. What are you going to change?

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The Fear Factor

I was chatting with a friend tonight about trading and she said she still had the "fear factor" when it came to pulling the trigger and taking a trade. It made me think. There are only a few reasons that people fear taking a trade:

1. Their trade size is too big. If the monetary loss if your stop is hit is frightening you, then lower the trade size. If the loss if your stop is hit is greater than 1%, take a long hard breath, think about your spleen, and reduce the trade size.

2. They haven't really tested their system. No testing = very little confidence.

3. They are afraid of being wrong. This usually relates back to #1 or #2 above.

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The Woo-Hoo Timeline

The Woo-Hoo Timeline of Progression is a simple graph that explains the trajectory by which most traders make progress to trading for a living. There is a myth that progress as a trader is linear, meaning we see a trader make small gains, day after day, until one day they have morphed into a full time trader who can support themselves by their trading profits alone.

In reality, the progress of a trader towards trading for living looks more like that pic.In other words, it's all about long periods of plateaus (the Ho-Hum times) interrupted by Woo-Hoo moments and breakthroughs. Many traders don't succeed because they give up during the Ho-Hum times. Their system is "not working like it used to," or "My schedule has changed," or "I am just breaking even and not making progress." At times like this, traders start to do all kinds of terrible things to try to force the progression upward, and that invariably fails.

The Ho-Hum moments are when traders lose hope.

The Woo-Hoo moments are when a trader finally understands that risking less on every trade means that long-term, he will make more money. Or when a trader finally admits that he cannot trade from the 5 minute chart, but instead needs to look at longer term setups because he has a full-time job. Or when he realizes the power of backtesting, or being disciplined in all areas of his life, or of keeping good records of his trades.

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Saturday is a Special Day

Some people are so addicted to trading (and I was one of these people for lot of years) that they are upset on Friday when the market is closing. And they are excited about Monday coming.

Nowadays, I am thrilled for Saturday. There isn't a thing I can do about my open trades. There isn't a chart that I can look at and plan anything that wasn't able to be planned yesterday. Stephen Covey, the self-help business author, recommends that you take some time to "Sharpen the Saw," or, in other words, get away from your business (trading) life, and get your mind and body in shape.

Saturday is a perfect day for that. Read a good book (not about trading). Spend time with your family. Wake up early and go for a walk. Clear your mind. Take a one-day sabbatical from the business of trading. You can find that you have breakthroughs and epiphanies about trading when you become deeply involved in something else.

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Living Comfortably

Living comfortably isn't about trading a $1,000,000 account and trading for $100 per pip. It's not about buying a huge house in Menteng or driving a Jaguar or having a jet. It's not about being able to afford first-class plane tickets and staying at the Four Seasons.

So many retail traders are focused on what they will be able to buy once they start trading "big time." When I talk to them about trading for $1 per pip to start, and then working up from there, they are positively underwhelmed. Everything else I say is drowned out by the fear of not being able to get rich enough to live comfortably within a very short period of time.

The truth is that living comfortably isn't about all of those other things. It's about being comfortable living with less. It's about saving, not earning; about not risking rather than taking the big risk for the big score; it's about compounding gains over time rather than the lottery win. One of the best things a new trader can do for himself is to reduce his standard of living.

What is also fascinating to me is that by learning to compound gains over time, a trader becomes truly self-sufficient -- as opposed to hitting the jackpot on a single trade (which is not something easily replicated).

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Long Term

As you mentioned it seems that nothing really happens in the beginning [profits come slowly at first and then start to exponentially increase] but then it starts to balloon. Is that what you were alluding to at the seminar? All it takes is patience. What I am really saying is that so many of us overestimate the short-term and massively underestimate the long term.

See this link great article from Fortune Magazine. It's old but super relevant to your progression as a trader. And a quiz about fear of success.

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Hey! Your Glasses Don't Work!

"So and so's strategy doesn't work. He shows charts, and indicators, and whatever, but when I do it, it doesn't work."

Why is that?
How can a system work for one person and not the other?

The issue is that when you are trading a discretionary system, and you do enough testing to make it your own (this is a lot of testing -- at least 1,000 trades), you are essentially fitting yourself for a pair of glasses.

These glasses, once you fit yourself for them, work for you. They're your glasses. If you hand them to your friend while he's driving, he's likely to crash. What if he said to you, "These glasses don't work! They are terrible glasses!"

You'd say, "These glasses are not for you. They're mine." When you learn a system from someone else, from a book, a Web site, or a newsletter, you have to remember that in order to make it your own, you have to have your own experiences with the system. You can't just take it out of the box, and put it on like a pair of someone else's glasses.

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"As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble."

Agreed. In your trading, focus on the big principles (money management, disciplined execution of a system, keeping a schedule).

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Most People Won't Do the Work

I received an email from a frustrated trader today. Let's call him Ming. That's not his name, but I like the name so that's what we're going with.

Ming wrote me to say that:

I created a personal web blog at [then he tells me his blog address which he is keeping private] to track my progress. Only you, my wife and Fred [a mutual friend] know it exists. As you can see I stalled out.

His frustration comes from having "stalled out." After a month of posting, and planning, and trading, he feels that he has backtracked, or not made enough forward progress, or that he was doing just fine and things kind of fell apart. He was looking at about 10+ currency pairs, but he's now looking at just 5. He is following the same system every day. he is consistently applying the same rules to the charts. He is doing his best to practice trade in a trade simulator (although this has not appealed to him as much).

My advice to Ming is this: you are doing what it takes to become successful. I would strongly encourage/beg you to not give up on the simulated testing. But other than that, you are putting an amazing amount of work into your goal of trading for a living. Most people don't want to do this kind of work. Let's reflect on a quote from Michael Covel's new book "The Complete Turtle Trader":

To cultivate that extra drive [exhibited by successful traders], however, requires deliberate practice. Berkshire Hathaway's Charlie Munger has lived it; he has said, "In my whole life, I have known no wise people over a broad subject matter area that didn't read all the time -- none, zero." Most people do not want the real work that comes with real success.

That quote sums up much of what I feel about unsuccessful traders. It's not about your math skills. It's not about having some innate gift for trading. It's about work and practice.

Ming, you're on the right track. Keep yourself on it.

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Knowledge and Confusion

I've learned for myself, and seen it in many others, that the more they or I learn and then try to apply, the more confused we can become.

To me, this doesn't mean that we have to stop learning or reading books or investigating new methods. What it does mean is that it's important to separate the learning process from the application of the learning. I make the analogy that trying to follow multiple trading systems can be like trying to drive a car with multiple steering wheels. It just won't work. It becomes confusing and it's overcomplicated.

The statemens about stepping back and having an open mind, and about you having to learn for yourself, that was quoted in this thread, are so very true in my experience. Through your own observations, and open-minded (so well put!) interaction with new ideas, and reading, etc, you are going to get an idea of what indicators or methods make the most sense to you.

And then you have to do more than observe -- of course this is my opinion and I am excited to hear what others have to say -- then you have to test the methods that you learn. You go back in time and you apply what you have learned and you prove whether it works or not. You learn whether the method experiences drawdowns that are unnacceptable, or whether it has a great win percentage but a bad average winner to loser size, or whether it requires you to keep an unrealistic schedule that negatively affects your health. This process of learning, making a hypothesis, and then testing that hypothesis, can take a long time. That's why so many traders fail, I think: they realize how much effort can go into "making a system your own" and instead they just start trading again, because of financial pressures, an addiction to trading, or because they simply feel that all that testing is unnecessary.

Once that learning and testing process is complete, you start applying what you've tested in the market. Do you get the same results? Or are they not what you expected based on your testing? You can share your results with a friend or mentor or spouse or people at FF -- someone who cares about your success. They can hold you accountable to apply what you have learned and tested in a disciplined way, and then they can help you stop trading if it's not working, or encourage you to be confident and continue to take the necessary risks associated with trading if the system is working.

All throughout this process, you are emphasizing learning and testing, and making a system "your own", and you are de-emphasizing lots of trading, you are reducing stress about whether you are doing it "right", you are proving to yourself that you can learn and test and implement.

And then as you implement a system that you have made your own, and you are profitable, you can repeat the process with more learning, more testing, and so on. It can be a continuous process that lasts a lifetime.

To bring it full circle, hopefully, one helpful thing for me (which I have seen with others) is that they focus their learning on one or two things at a time, then test, then implement, then hold themselves accountable to others and themselves. And this reduces the confusion associated with looking at so many things, so many systems, so many methods, and not "knowing what to follow."

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Forex Trading & The Science Of Getting Rich

I first became aware of “the science of getting rich” a number of years ago when someone sent me a reprint of a book of that name by Wallace Wattle.

The book is a very “dry” read but the author claimed that getting rich was an exacting science which means that if anyone applied the rules – to the letter, then the outcome, by scientific definition, would be a true replication.

In other words, if one were to apply the rules of “the science of getting rich”, one would inevitably become rich.

In many ways, not dissimilar to applying a trading system that is proven to work, provided the user applies the system rules exactly, then the same success should be replicated time and time again.

You will recall – unless you have been trading Lunar Currencies (joke) – that we recently had a liquidity problem in the markets brought about by the meltdown in the sub-prime mortgage market.

In “the science of getting rich”, Wallace Wattle points out the necessity of generosity. In fact he states that one must give freely and although I may be slightly misquoting he suggests that “one should never miss the opportunity to give”.

It is a fact that almost all successful people give away money. I know that this may sound unlikely but check it out.

Warren Buffett has pledged to gradually give 85% of his Berkshire stock valued at around $40 million to five foundations. A dominant five-sixths of the shares will go to the world’s largest philanthropic organization, the $30 billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Yes that’s right, Bill Gates of Microsoft fame gives away very large amounts of his fortune to charitable causes. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are far from being alone in giving away money.

Perhaps wealthy people understand more than most that the cycle of money must be kept in motion. You need to give to receive.
So what do “the science of getting rich” and forex trading have to do with each other?

In my opinion, rather a lot!

As we saw with the credit crunch, when money stops flowing, it causes a ripple effect that increasingly affects more and more people. As long as the money flow continues, there is opportunity for all, but when it stops, there is nothing but trouble ahead.

With the act of giving, according to “the science of getting rich”, one is perpetuating the mental attitude of plenty. In essence you are in the mind set of “I have plenty so I can give freely with the full expectation that I will receive even more”.

Being in the right mind set is a very important part of becoming a successful trader.

It is rather like “Trading in the Zone” (an excellent book on trading attitude by Mark Douglas). When you are in the mentality of winning, you carry on winning, but when you are in the mentality of “lack” you are just waiting for failure, which surely will come along.

If you would like to dynamically improve your trading there are a number of things you might consider, and these could include making sure that you have a well proven trading system, making sure that you are always in the “right” mind set when trading and being prepared to “pass on” some of you winnings to a good cause.

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The language of the market

All nations came up with their very own language system and in order for various nations to interact with each other, they have forcefully learn each others language system in order to sustain a good relationship with one another.

Another example on the importance of learning others language can be seen through this example. Let's say an american businessman is travelling to china for a business venture. In order for his business to flourish in China, its compulsory for him to either learn the Chinese language himself or hire a translator who will interact on his behalf. If he fail to do this, his business will not be a successful one since he will be facing a severe difficulty in communication that will affect his understanding and decisions. Evil people will be able to manipulate and cheat him easily.

All these said, this is where I want to come.

What is the language of the market?

The market is considered as a living entity by many great traders and authors and may of them believe that the market communicate with us but most traders, due to lack of experience will not be able to understand. The market uses a language system called candlesticks.

Candlesticks were invented centuries ago by japanese rice traders to track the evolution of their particular market. To date, candlesticks is still being used and is almost as the same one that were used long ago with very little differences. If a trader can develop his feel for the understanding of candlesticks patterns and signs, he will turn into a very successful trader without doubt since the candlesticks can tell lot of things on the current market status and can sometimes predict future developments. There are professional traders who only trades by reading candlesticks charts alone. This can sound weird but its true, and that will need years of experience to attain such a high level.

For the new trader, he should strive to learn the candlesticks charting system and symbols. This can be a difficult task at first since its new and somehow strange. And most of the time, we will get lost during the learning process. There will even be desperate moments when we will not be understanding anything at all. Here comes the word 'PERSEVERENCE', use this and make this your inner force. You did not understand it now, leave it, come back and hour later and retry because at the end, you will surely be able to understand it. Again the best way to learn candlesticks is not by only reading books, this is only the initial stage, the most important phase is observing it on real charts and trying to predict and interpret the candlesticks. Although you will surely be failing in the first weeks, you will start progressing very soon.

Among very good works on candlesticks we have the book The Candlestick Course by Steve Nison and Candlestick Charting Explained by Greg Morris. If you happen to get your hand on these books, you will be able to study the candlesticks system with much ease.

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How to deal with FOREX literatures

You may have noticed that there are hundreds of forex literatures out there for you containing an incredible amount of beneficial knowledge for the newbie as well as professional trader. What I came to notice is that most of them usually tend to contain many repetitions on and on and it soon become boring and we tend to leave it alone.

The right way to deal with forex literatures is not to give up. Even if the book becomes boring at some time and you feel like leaving it. Just leave it and do something else, like play a little fun game of bubble shootout or go to the kitchen and have some tea. Then, after a while do come back and resume your learning where you left, just dont give up.

Very often, after reading a whole book, when I try to recap what I learned from it, I could not figure it exactly since the information contained in the book was too much for my mind to absorb. So, without any doubt, I re-read the book one or more times and each time that I read the same thing, my understanding on the subject increases tremendously. I often notice things that I missed during the first reading.

While going through the books, especially when it starts to become boring, we have a tendency to skip parts from the literatures and just hurry up to the next paragraphs or chapters. This has to be avoided since we might be missing some important information that is necessary to complement with all our learning. Examples should be followed with a special interest since that will reinforce and ingrain the knowledge in your brain.

I wish to say here

Forex is not acquired overnight, but it is acquired with constant learning and practice, dont expect to become a better trader in a week or two, since you will never be.

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The real problem...

I have been studying the FX market years now and compared to where I started, I can see that I came a long way. Those charts that seemed all Greek to me in the past has started to communicate with me and we can have some understandanding in between. In all these days which passed in the blink of an eye, I have came across many many forex resources, I spent whole nights going through Ebooks and watching courses. Some were good, and as usual, most were bad and contained nothing new except some tricks to take away your money. During these days, I came across many many systems, and here I won't dare saying some were or and others were bad.

The real problem...

As usual, as a trainee trader, the first thing to do when we get a new system is learning and backtesting it and this is what I have been doing. Performance of these systems were good, bad or average. But whatever the reason, when I tried demo trading these systems, I was somehow losing over time. Then I kept wondering why is it like that...

Finally I came to realize that, all systems can be good but the major problem is the trader himself. The trader is his own enemy and will dragged him to losses if he does not have a rigid descipline and stick to the rules. There are many fancy and complicated trading systems for the forex market, using them will not make you any good if you don't know how to stick and observe the rules.

I was amazed how basic tools like pivots, fibos, support and resistance, trendlines among others, were highly effective as trading advisors, once we know how to respect and observe them. Armed with just these basic tools, its definitely possible to make some money of the currency market. All we need is discipline and with it comes money management rules which we can discuss some other times.

Thats all for now. Have a nice trade.

Read More......

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