I was chatting with a friend tonight about trading and she said she still had the "fear factor" when it came to pulling the trigger and taking a trade. It made me think. There are only a few reasons that people fear taking a trade:
1. Their trade size is too big. If the monetary loss if your stop is hit is frightening you, then lower the trade size. If the loss if your stop is hit is greater than 1%, take a long hard breath, think about your spleen, and reduce the trade size.
2. They haven't really tested their system. No testing = very little confidence.
3. They are afraid of being wrong. This usually relates back to #1 or #2 above.
The Fear Factor
- Winners Simply Do What Losers Won’t Do
- In Time for Thanksgiving
- The Fruits of Your Trading Success
- Doing and Not Doing
- The Fear Factor
- The Woo-Hoo Timeline
- Saturday is a Special Day
- Living Comfortably
- Long Term
- Hey! Your Glasses Don't Work!
- Principles
- Most People Won't Do the Work
- Knowledge and Confusion
- Forex Trading & The Science Of Getting Rich
- The language of the market
- How to deal with FOREX literatures
- The real problem...
- Forex eBook
- Applying Poker Strategies to Trading The Markets
- Essential Elements of a Successful Trader
- Forex Market Trading and The Mind Games
- Profit Run
- The New Market Wizards by Jack Swagger
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