Some people are so addicted to trading (and I was one of these people for lot of years) that they are upset on Friday when the market is closing. And they are excited about Monday coming.
Nowadays, I am thrilled for Saturday. There isn't a thing I can do about my open trades. There isn't a chart that I can look at and plan anything that wasn't able to be planned yesterday. Stephen Covey, the self-help business author, recommends that you take some time to "Sharpen the Saw," or, in other words, get away from your business (trading) life, and get your mind and body in shape.
Saturday is a perfect day for that. Read a good book (not about trading). Spend time with your family. Wake up early and go for a walk. Clear your mind. Take a one-day sabbatical from the business of trading. You can find that you have breakthroughs and epiphanies about trading when you become deeply involved in something else.
Saturday is a Special Day
- Winners Simply Do What Losers Won’t Do
- In Time for Thanksgiving
- The Fruits of Your Trading Success
- Doing and Not Doing
- The Fear Factor
- The Woo-Hoo Timeline
- Saturday is a Special Day
- Living Comfortably
- Long Term
- Hey! Your Glasses Don't Work!
- Principles
- Most People Won't Do the Work
- Knowledge and Confusion
- Forex Trading & The Science Of Getting Rich
- The language of the market
- How to deal with FOREX literatures
- The real problem...
- Forex eBook
- Applying Poker Strategies to Trading The Markets
- Essential Elements of a Successful Trader
- Forex Market Trading and The Mind Games
- Profit Run
- The New Market Wizards by Jack Swagger
Buku Tamu
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as it will be updated on a regular basis
regarding various topics about Fx Trading
Please come back and visit often
as it will be updated on a regular basis
regarding various topics about Fx Trading
- My Diary Trading
- Full Film "The Secret", dg pasw: globalse
- Flash "The Secret" 30 menit
- Ini utk latihan EA & Indicator Triple Screen
- Film Teknik Forex Simple tp Powerfull
- Musik utk membantu konsentrasi
- Musik utk masuk ke otak kondisi alfa
- Download film "the secret" 3GP utk di HP
- Download film "the secret"
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