Wow! The Secret movie was overwhelming ... I watched it with so many filters on.
You see ... I am a very committed Christian and some of it was raising a lot of red flags in my spirit. And yet, I have learned through the years to filter things out and glean the truths from things I read or see.
I did indeed find a lot of truth in "The Secret." Then ... without effort on my part, I was suddenly presented with "The Science of Getting Rich" by Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield.
Then and only then did things begin to reconcile with my Biblical convictions. Wallace Wattles was a man who believed in the truth of the Bible and as I studied his writing I found many scriptural parallels.
Wallace Wattles teaches that the universe is filled with "abundance." This "abundance" comes from God and He is never diminished by giving out of "abundance." Therefore abundance is available for You and it does not mean that there is any less for someone else because of what you receive. When You understand this You are able to move out of the "Competitive Mind" into the "Creative Mind."
One can obtain "riches" through "competitive" means if they have the ability to compete effectively. However, one who remains in the "competitive mind" will never have true wealth because there is always fear of someone taking it from you or there is guilt for having taken it from someone else.
When one receives "riches" through the "creative mind" they are able to obtain true wealth because they do not have to feel as if they have to compete with or take from someone else and one knows that their riches have come from the source of abundance -- God.
Well, I'm still learning and will be able to express these thoughts better as my thinking and understanding progresses. I would advise you to tap into this "Science of Getting Rich" Seminar. It will change the way you think about money forever and if you follow its proven principles you can be assured of becoming absolutely RICH!
A Christian Looks at "The Secret"
- Jangan Menilaiku Terlalu Tinggi
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- Sebuah koin penyok
- Hipnotis
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- Beberapa petuah
- 4 Tipe Manusia Hadapi Tekanan Hidup
- Keinginan versus Kebutuhan
- Semua Terjadi Karena Suatu Alasan
- Rahasia Kekayaan - Visualisasi
- Are You DELTA enough?
- Forgiveness
- Mindfulness
- Tiga Cara Untuk Memanfaatkan Masa Sekarang Hari Ini
- Berhenti Mencoba
- Bersikap lembut dan penuh kasih sayang
- Thoughts Become Things
- Marah
- Kiss
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- What's Wrong With "The Secret"
- Abundance is a Feeling by Michael Losier
- Children and Law of Attraction
- *PRINSIP 90/10 *
- A Christian Looks at "The Secret"
- Manajemen Waktu
- Murid bodoh VS murid pintar
- Doa Bapa Kami
- The River of Wealth
- The Secret - Rahasia manusia yg diungkapkan
- Hilang Stress dengan Terapi Gelombang Otak
- Jangan Melihat Ke Belakang
Buku Tamu
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