Gambar orang mancing di atas persis spt kehidupan para losser di forex: mau santai2 dpt duit, tapi lihat...
Yg pertama trading di tahan wkt sdg loss.
Yg kedua profit sedikit2 diambil.

Kedua kebiasaan itu ilusi yang akan menghasilkan cara trading yang loss. Sikap yang benar seharusnya adalah: quick cut loss & let the profit run. Sewaktu merencanakan entry kita sudah tahu dimana kita akan cut loss, dan itu harus ditaati. Sedangkan profitnya tdk usah kita pikirkan, krn begitu arah kita benar maka kita tahan/hold posisi open kita selama mungkin dg memasang SL yg digeser2. Tidak penting berapa kali kita menang, yang penting waktu kalah kita lossnya terbatas dan waktu menang profitnya buanyakkk.
Klik gambar di bawah ini utk melihat bgm seharusnya kehidupan kita sbg pendekar forex
You can be FREE.
You can live and work anywhere in the world.
You can be independent of routine and not answer to anybody.
This is the life of a successful trader

A road diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference

What's Wrong With "The Secret"

I just watched "The Secret" again over the weekend. I love this film, but this whole business over calling it "The Secret" makes me laugh. It's not like "Think and Grow Rich" or "The Power of Positive Thinking", or "The Law of Attraction" have been kept hidden by some cabal of powerful business men. None of this is new, and none of it's a secret. In fact these are the titles of immensely popular and influential books over the last century.

So what is the secret?

Esther Hicks found hers and teaches message of Abraham. Wayne Dyer found his and he teaches the Power of Intention. Byron Katie found hers and teaches The Work. I found mine, and I teach Magic and Manifestation.

But even these aren't the real secret.

Cause you can do everything "right"--the mantras, the meditations, the visioning, the positive thinking--and not see a change in your circumstances. I've been that girl. Give yourself a break. You're not doing it wrong. You're not less worthy. You're just where you are. Right now. We all take a turn in that dark night of the soul.

"Be a light unto yourself," the Buddha taught. Take all these teachings in, and take them all with a grain of salt. There's an old Irish adage that says you have to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather is. Nobody else's law is your law, not even the Law of Attraction.

I believe in a strong tendency of attraction. Don't get me wrong--I'm all about attraction. I think about something and a few days later it shows up. But a "law" of attraction? Like always attracts like? Not really:

Twenty four years ago, I was in rapturous love for the first time. I was getting straight A's and awards in high school. And I had just come home from my first trip to Europe. It was a very high vibration time. Until I was hit by a car, went into a coma, and came out with a serious brain injury that destroyed my life for a few years. I had to let go of everything I knew about spirituality at that time just to survive. In this instance, at least, like did not attract like.

While I may quibble with the Law of Attraction, I choose to believe in a Law of the Highest Good: everything happens for the highest good. Everything. You just have to survive it first.

So what really is the secret?

That area of your deepest pain is also the key to your heart's desire. Only the person who has been through your pain, walks on your path, and learns what you learn will discover your secret.

There's a connection between mind and matter. There's a connection between you and the universe itself. "As above so below." But how you access those connections is your unique experience.

NOTHING works for everyone all the time. What you discover will probably look A LOT like what other people have been saying for the last 10,000 years.

And the stuff that looks different may be even more important. It's your contribution. In fact this may be what you're here to teach so others can discover their own secret.

We all have to reinvent the wheel at some level for ourselves. I cannot presume to have your answers, only suggestions. The finger the teacher points at the moon is not the moon itself.

So go watch the movie. It's great. And if you like "The Secret," pick up "Millionaire: Awaken Your Secret." It's different, similar, and you'll like it too.

Buku Tamu

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